
Hello, everyone!
It's very cold recently.
Please be careful not to catch cold.

Today, I think I change a topic.
I talk to be useful for everyone.

At first, many people are worried with the amount of money of the gift at a wedding ceremony.
Should we pay it how much?
In the case of the wedding ceremony of the friend, you should pay 30,000 yen.
20,000 yen and 40,000 yen are NG because this has a meaning "break".
If you are rich, 50,000 yen are better.

Next, about the manner of the toast.
It is NG to touch grass and grass at the time of a toast.
You lift a grass. It is OK!
After the toast, please put a napkin on a knee.
You use it to clean a hand and a mouth during a meal.

Next, about the manner of the meal.
There is a lot of tableware(spoon, fork...) on the table.
The left side is fork. The right side is knife and spoon.
The rule is simple.
Please use them outside→inside.
In addition, the fish dishes uses a spoon, and the meat dishes uses a knife.
If you make a mistake, a waiter brings tableware.

By the way, do you know "June bride"?
June comes from "Juno" of the goddess.
"Juno" protects a bride.
Which month do you want to marry?
Because I don't like hot, a cool season is good.
By the way, the wedding ceremony is popular in October and November.

5 件のコメント:

  1. Hey ume, you mean even numbers (2,4,6,...)are not apprpriate for wedding ceremony, right? I can't pay even 20,000 yen.

    I didn't know that it is impolite to touch glasses and I chined glasses so many times at ceremonies!!

    Do I have to eat fishes with a spoon!? It's impossible......

  2. Thank you for your useful contents diary.
    I want to marriage in …November. Because, November is my birthday month.
    But, before the marriage I have to look for my future husband^^;

  3. Hey Ume, Thanks for the information. Like Kazz, I was wondering about clinking glasses in a toast. The western custom is to clink glasses and I've often seen it done here in Japan too. Why shouldn't we clink glasses?

  4. Thank you for comments!

    Why should't we clink glasses?
    -Because to touch glasses is a meaning to celebrate the health of guests.
    This isn't necessary for the wedding ceremony.

  5. Thank you for the information.
    I learn it.
    I think the wedding ceremony has good spring.
